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發(fā)布時間:2021-05-06 來源:http://www.fxsgujg.cn/ 瀏覽量:0

As we all know, the price of cement mixers produced by different manufacturers is different even for the same type of equipment. So what is the reason for this? Where is the price difference of cement mixer truck produced by different manufacturers? Now I'll tell you the truth.
Where is the price difference of cement mixer truck produced by different manufacturers?
1. The price difference lies in raw materials
鋼材是混凝土攪拌車的骨架,尤其是耐磨耐腐蝕的攪拌車特殊用鋼量,直接決定了攪拌車的。而不同廠家使用的鋼材質量不同,生產出的水泥攪拌車使用壽命和性能也不同, 終的報價也是不同的。
Steel is the skeleton of concrete mixer, especially the special steel consumption of wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant mixer, which directly determines the price of mixer. The quality of steel used by different manufacturers is different, the service life and performance of cement mixer truck are also different, and the final quotation is also different.
2. The price difference lies in the accessories
As we all know, cement mixer is composed of a series of spare parts. Different brands of accessories will also affect the production cost of the mixer. The cost of the plain bearing of a cement mixer truck can be more than 1000 yuan lower than that of the motor, and the motor can be hundreds of yuan lower than that of the other accessories. It is natural that there is a difference in the overall quotation.
3. The price difference lies in the production process
水泥攪拌車的生產工藝好壞也會影響攪拌車的使用壽命和性能,對于這方面的確定,用戶 好到廠家實地考察一下,可到其生產車間看一下,大廠家生產技術和生產工藝都比較成熟,這也是懸殊的因素之一。
The production process of cement mixer will also affect the service life and performance of the mixer. For the determination of this aspect, the user can go to the factory for on-the-spot investigation, and can go to the production workshop. The production technology and production process of large manufacturers are relatively mature and advanced, which is also one of the factors of price disparity.
4. The price difference lies in the details
It's said that details decide success or failure! The production process of cement mixer is also the same, often a detail of the equipment is not handled well, leading to the failure or even scrapping of the mixer. For example, the anti-corrosion paint spraying situation of cement mixer, the anti-corrosion paint spraying technology and production process requirements are also very high, if the paint surface is not good, it will speed up the corrosion speed of the mixer, greatly shorten the service life of the mixer.
In addition to the above external factors, there are still some external factors. I hope the above content can help you. If you want to know more, please pay more attention to our website.
